Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Make your own dreadlock shampoo

There are many different companies that sell shampoo supposedly made for dreadlocks but all contain a daft amount of chemicals and the dreadlock-nemesis 'sodium laureth sulphate'. This chemical, known as SLS is what makes things foam and soap and is a total nightmare to wash out of dreadlocks!

These dreadlock shampoos can cost upwards of £10 a bottle! So why not make your own?

What you'll need:
Bottle of Dr. Bronners baby mild soap (one bottle will last ages I promise!)
Lavender essential oil
Tea Tree oil
Coconut oil
Empty bottle (I use a large Fairy washing up liquid bottle)

Method for creating your own dreadlock shampoo:

Pour about 4 tablespoons of Dr. Bronners shampoo in to the bottle. Add 5 drops of lavender and coconut oil, and 3 drops of tea tree oil. Don't shake the bottle to mix, just tip it end over end a few times. SLOWLY add lukewarm water (add it too fast and it will froth everywhere!) until the bottle is half full (about 1 pints worth).

How to use your shampoo:

Keep your eyes closed while using the shampoo!

Wet your hair thoroughly before applying the shampoo. Take the bottle and gently squirt the mixture onto the roots of your hair. I find it easier to start from the back at the nape of the neck with all your hair facing forwards, as you apply the shampoo bring your dreads over your head and lay them down your back. This allows even coverage all over. Once applied, use the palm of your hand to gently rub it in. It won't foam and froth like most shampoos - just be gentle with it. Then add a little shampoo a bit further up your dreads and gently rub in with your fingertips. Repeat until all of your dreads are covered from root to tip and leave to sit for a minute or so.

Rinse out thoroughly using a shower and cold water. The cold water stops any itchiness in the scalp and helps wash all the shampoo out.

A few notes:

  • If you know you've got sensitive skin, test a small area on the back of your neck with the shampoo before using.
  • Keep your eyes closed when applying the shampoo.
  • Any left over shampoo can be added to and re-used again, so don't throw it away. Make sure you label the shampoo to stop anyone drinking/washing with/cleaning the loo with it!
  • Be careful if using in the bath, the coconut oil makes things a little slippery!
Have you ever made your own dread shampoo? Do you have any tips on what to wash dreadlocks with?

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